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AKA: The Natural Stick II House in Tokyo, Inhabited by a Car-Lover.

Masaru Unozawa (49 years old, self-employed), loves his car – so much, he made it the centre of his house – literally. Mind you, the car in question is a 1969 Lotus Elan, which has pride of place in the main living area, lit so it can be seen from the outside and becomes a showcase inside the home as well.

The floor plan of this house is a garage for three cars on the first floor (indoors for the Lotus and outdoors for work cars and visitors) and a small office space at the entrance. In the basement are the office, a bathroom and the main bedroom. The second floor is a large living /dining room only, and on the third floor is a very simple arrangement for the children’s room.
Inside the first and second floors, the steel framing doubles as shelves for books and Masaru’s other great love – his collection of shoes worn by famous athletes.
It’s a bit science fiction but we think it’s pretty cool.
Architect Masaki Endoh of EDH: Endo Design House
images and information courtesy of Domus, AFbpp Engine Web and EDH: Endo Design House